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Главная » Эмуляторы » Amiga
WinUAE 2.7.0  Популярные

WinUAE 2.7.0 (05.12.2013)

New features:

- Cirrus Logic SVGA chip based hardware graphics board emulation.
  - Use graphics board in emulated Amix, Linux, NetBSD and others.
  - Use native CyberGraphX, Picasso96 and EGS RTG software in emulation.
  - Emulates following boards: Picasso II, Picasso II+, Picasso IV (flash
    rom image required), Piccolo, Piccolo SD64 and EGS-28/24 Spectrum.
  - Text mode is also emulated (Linux/NetBSD etc.. text console support)
  - Based on QEMU Cirrus Logic emulation.
- SCSI tape drive emulation.
  - Can install Amix without hacks.
  - Both reading and writing supported.
  - Works also with most backup software that supports tape drives.
- SLIRP user mode NAT emulation.
  - A2065 and uaenet.device emulation without need for host side
    extra drivers.
- 68020 cycle-exact mode emulation rewritten to better match real hardware,
  accuracy improved, more improvements planned in future versions.
- Added GUI button that opens small disk image information window.
- GUI open log file and open error log buttons added.
- New WiX based installer.


- Two new field based interlace options added, reduces interlace artifacts.
- Chipset emulation compatibility improved, more undo*****ented chipset
  corner cases emulated.
- Game Ports panel input configuration improved.
- Built-in HRTMon and AROS ROM replacement updated to latest versions.
- Do not wake up all sleeping harddrives if loaded config has mounted
  physical harddrives (or memory cards) that are not currently connected.
- SCSI HD and CD emulation compatibility improved.
- SCSI HD/CD/TAPE statefile compatibility improved.
- CIA TOD counting is now cycle-exact.
- 68020/030 cycle-exact/prefetch is fully compatible with FPU emulation.

2.6.x bugs fixed:

- Some OFS formatted hardfiles didn't mount.
- Wired XBox 360 pad (possibly others) missed input events.

Other bugs fixed:

- All Input panel events stopped working in some situations.
- RTG mode video recording display size fixed.
- Same game controller was inserted in both joystick ports if
  loaded config file had non-existing controller in second port.
- Built-in lzx decompressor didn't always decompress last byte of file.
- CD CUE file parsing fix, some images had incorrect CD audio timing.
- Output panel crashed on some systems.
- Crash when system was reset if it caused immediate PAL/NTSC mode change.

WinUAE 2.6.1 (19.06.2013)

2.6.0 bugs fixed:

- OFS formatted partition hardfile didn't mount.
- Some AGA demos had horizontally duplicated graphics.
- Direct3D hq2x shader filter did nothing.

Other bugs fixed:

- Reset didn't fully reinitialize SCSI emulation.
- A3000 SCSI emulation compatibility improved, original A3000 1.4 ROM
  driver hung during writing to the disk.

New features:

- Input panel Invert option added (press becomes release and vice versa,
  joystick and mouse movement is inverted)
- FPU unimplemented instruction emulation can be optionally disabled,
  emulates real 68040/68060 CPU behavior.
- >2M Chip RAM is now merged with original Chip RAM pool.

Версия: 2.7.0
Скачали: 71
Размер: 4.22 Mb
Дата публикации: 30.01.2014
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